Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Lunenburg is a place that I hadn't really heard of until I reached Halifax. Apparently, it's another iconic town in Nova Scotia and a UNESCO World Heritage Site - one of the only two urban sites in North America. It lies on the south shore of Nova Scotia, 60 miles from Halifax. The coastal scenery and verdant landscape on the way to Lunenburg were pretty amazing. Green pine Christmas trees covered the roadside. Our bus dropped us off by the harbor, in front of the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic. So, the first order of business was to visit the Fisheries Museum of the Atlantic, which provides the backstory of the town and its hugely significant fishing and maritime history. Among the displays in the museum were tributes to the fishing community and the Mi’kmaq. There were also models of Lunenburg itself and the famous Bluenose. The Bluenose was not in port that day, but I gained a better understanding of what the big excitement about when I saw it in Sydney two day...