A Thrilling Journey to Trollstigen, Norway
Exploring the Enchanting Land of the Trolls Nestled amidst the rugged terrain of Norway, Trollstigen stands as a testament to the raw beauty of nature. Known as the "land of the trolls," this enchanting destination promises an unforgettable adventure for those seeking to immerse themselves in the awe-inspiring landscapes and mythical tales that surround the area. My recent trip to Trollstigen was a remarkable experience that brought me face to face with the dramatic scenery, hair-raising drives, and captivating waterfalls that define this remarkable region. While climbing the mountains might have been off-limits, the drive to the top of Trollstigen mountain was a thrilling and heart-pounding experience. I had to trust our driver who was a pro at negotiating the narrow winding road with its seemingly endless hairpin turns. The road seemed to dance along mountainside, offering stunning panoramic views that alternated between awe-inspiring and nerve-wracking. The sheer cliffs on