Palawan: It's More Fun In the Philippines
El Nido and Puerto Princessa, Palawan The Stressor My trip to Palawan was not without its complications. The Philippines was not part of my Southeast Asia travel plans. But when I found a low fare to the Philippines, I decided to add the Philippines to my epic Southeast Asia 2018 trip. El Nido had been on my travel radar for a while. Since there's no airport in El Nido, I booked a flight from Manila to Puerto Princesa with Air Asia and a separate package tour through Asia Travel that included the transportation to El Nido and a hotel. I also booked a hotel in Puerto Princesa through I pre-paid everything that was booked through Asia Travel. The trip to El Nido from Puerto Princesa was long (6 hours), but not as bumpy as I expected. The road was paved, winding with lush scenery. However, the stop to get food was far in between. We arrived in El Nido tired and hungry to find our pre-paid hotel room not only ready, but the hotel was fully...