Hawaii Adventure Series: Sunset at Hapuna Beach

Dr. Beach named Hapuna Beach as one of the best beaches in America. With sugary white sand stretching for half a mile, Hapuna Beach is best for beach volleyball and other forms of recreation. And with clear water and rock-free bottom, its best for swimming, boogie boarding and body surfing. But for our friend's BF it was best for watching the sunset.  So he took us there late in the afternoon.

After setting up our tent, J went snorkeling. E followed him, and they ended up swimming and chasing the waves. I did swim for a few minutes, but for me, it was about chasing sun-rays, waves, and sunset with my camera. I started taking pictures as soon the sun made its way into the horizon, built its color intensity, and until it faded. 

I was able to capture J & E as he splashed her or they splashed each other playfully and embraced as a single silhouette against the fading sun. 

But my favorite moment was when my 'Mr. Cool’ slipped quietly into the shimmering waters in his surfboard to greet the orange glow reflected on the water. I caught his silhouette against the backdrop of the disappearing sun. 

I must admit that my eyes hurt in trying to capture every moment with the incredible sunset. Thankfully, I was rewarded with beautiful artistic images. (Watch the video above)

The men playing volleyball/badminton near the rocky outcrop continued to play into the remaining light until they too became silhouettes and the sound of the hitting ball in unison with the sound of the waves and sea.

I was so sucked into the sunset that I continued taking pictures until the sun sank into darkness and was replaced by moonlight and a big dipper. 

NOTE:  All photos by the author



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