Full Moon Tour to Point Bonita Lighthouse: Strawberry Moon

It rises from the east
against the setting sun
Slowly sits
against the sky’s purple walls.
Its glowing light glorifies
all things plain and simple
the cabbage flower
the black sand
the cliffs and
  basalt rock resting on its pillow.
The spirits walk forth from
Alcatraz rock-walled cell
lost and bewildered.
The San Francisco Bay
so calm tonight
no howling of the winds
just the gentle waves
casting crystalline spray
under the moonlight.
The harbor seals and otters
the pelicans and cormorants
all asleep.
Point Bonita Lighthouse
pregnant with romance
under the full moon.


#1. Full Moon Rising
#2. Sun Setting
#3. The Cabbage Flower and the Full Moon
#4. The full moon sitting against the sky's dark walls

#5. Glowing light casting crystalline spray

#6. Point Bonita Lighthouse pregnant with romance
#7. Illuminating a beautiful city

Point Bonita Lighthouse is located at Marin Headlands, north of San Francisco, California. Tours of Point Bonita Lighthouse are offered monthly during the full moon (7:30pm - 9:30pm).  The tour is free but reservation is required.   Full moon tour on August 9, between 7:30 - 9:30pm. Check out the National Parks Conservancy website for additional information or to make a reservation.


Full Moon Calendar 2014
January 15th
Full Wolf Moon
11:52 pm
February 14th
Full Snow Moon
6:53 pm
March 16th
Full Worm Moon
1:08 pm
April 15th
Full Pink Moon
3:42 am
May 14th
Full Flower Moon
3:16 pm
June 13th
Full Strawberry Moon
12:11 am
July 12th
Full Buck Moon
7:25 am
August 10th
Full Sturgeon Moon
2:09 pm
September 8th
Full Harvest Moon
9:38 pm
October 8th
Full Hunter's Moon
6:51 am
November 6th
Full Beaver Moon
5:23 pm
December 6th
Full Cold Moon
7:27 am

Note:  Photos and poem, "Strawberry Moon" copyright by Alice Odena


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