Jordan: The King's Highway
We were traveling on what seemed to be a modern highway (Highway 35) when our guide announced, “We are traveling on the Kings Highway, one of the oldest roads in the world. It stretches 335 kilometers from Amman to the southern region of Aqaba.” The highway is mentioned in the bible (Numbers 20:17 Please let us pass through your country. We will not pass through fields or vineyards, nor will we drink water from wells; we will go along the King's Highway; we will not turn aside to the right hand or to the left until we have passed through your territory."
Mt. Nebo and Madaba
We took a detour to Madaba to see Mt. Nebo where Moses stood and gazed over the Promised Land that he was not allowed to enter after leading his people through the desert for forty years. Today, we gazed at the endless horizon. The view has an eerie dead calm like the Dead Sea. We could actually see the Judean hills and the Dead Sea from our vantage point.
#1. A view from Mt. Nebo
#2. Madaba
We were driven around the town of Madaba where beautiful mosaic was discovered in the 6th century, but they took us to a museum of culture and mosaic factory-store.
Of Bedouins and Coca-Cola
The following day, we took the same road to see Petra (see next blog). Our journey was lined with ancient towns representing Jordan’s historical timeline, and seemingly endless drive to the horizon.
3-4 Our guide did not talk about the Bedouins or the refreshment stands along the side of the road and I did not ask anything about them. I just thought they’re part of a beautiful landscape.
#3. Bedouins
#4. Refreshment Stands
#5. Sadly, an ugly sight. The roadside was littered with plastic bottles and garbage throughout the whole drive.
NOTE: All photos by the author
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